Now that our boy is over one year old and rapidly becoming an independent, busy toddler, I can look back at his first year so fondly and understand just how quickly it all went by, especially as I look forward to all of the milestones and adventures that will take place this year.
At the time, it seemed like many days of the first year went by so slowly, but now I feel like he will be two before we know it! That is probably because he is keeping me so much busier these days. As I sit and reflect on his first year, I thought it would be a great time to share the next edition of our most used (and loved) baby products from 6-12 months with Brady. ![]()
OXO Sprout High Chair- Once Brady was six months old, we began to offer him solid foods. After doing my research, I decided to try a combination of baby led weaning feeding techniques and purees which meant it was time to finally put our high chair to use. Our high chair sat in our mud room unused for half the first year, but once we did finally use it, I was so pleased with my registry choice! I chose this high chair because of its sturdy, solid wood construction and its overall aesthetic. I thought if it has to sit out in my kitchen every day, I don't want it to be an eyesore, and it certainly isn't. I love the customization options it has to fit your home's aesthetic and its easy to clean features. Plus, it has plenty of room for Brady to continue to grow in.
Skip Hop Activity Center- This activity center was gifted to us by one of my best friends, and we used it every day once we opened it. Brady loved playing with all of the different tabletop toys and I loved the peace of mind it gave me to keep him contained and entertained for short periods when I needed to use both of my hands. Little Tikes Swing- This was another item I registered for when I was pregnant, and while I would've preferred a "cuter" swing, after seeing the 25,000+ positive reviews on Amazon, I chose this tried and true infant swing. When the weather was nice enough for us to spend more time outside, we installed this swing on our back patio and Brady instantly loved it! Swinging became part of our daily routine and was so helpful when he was fussy and needed a change of scenery without going too far, or when we needed an activity to stretch us to bedtime. He still loves to swing and it's such a simple, fun activity for us to do right in our backyard. Chicco Corso LE Stroller- While we have used our stroller from the day we brought Brady home from the hospital (literally--as soon as we got home, we moved his car seat from the car to the stroller and wheeled him into the house to keep him asleep), we started to incorporate daily walks into our routine once he was big enough to sit up in the stroller without his car seat. I did so much research on strollers and "test drove" several options when I was pregnant, and I am still so happy with our choice a year later. It is a full travel system and is a 5-way convertible stroller. The car seat clicks directly into the stroller with an included attachment, or can be used as a bassinet or a toddler stroller. We love the durable rubber tires, rear suspension system, versatility, compact folding capabilities, light weight, storage, aesthetic, and especially, the lower price tag of our stroller system! Loveevery Play Gym and Play Kits- I know the Loveevery play gym was a part of my first edition of baby items, but we truly continued to use the play gym at some point during our daily routine. Then, once Brady was 6 months old and I felt he needed more stimulation than our typical routine provided, I began to utilize their play kits toy subscription. This was such a helpful tool for me as a first time mom, and it saved me so much time and energy. Instead of spending my precious spare moments trying to research and purchase developmentally appropriate toys and activities for my growing boy, I trusted Loveevery to tell me and send me exactly what we would need every few months. We have had so much fun playing and discovering together with the play kits over time! Swim float- Brady has loved the water ever since he was a tiny babe at bath time, so we knew he would love the pool and other water activities once he got a bit bigger. Fast forward to summer time, and this boy was as happy and relaxed in his swim float as could be! We purchased this float after my friend let me try hers, and it was just the right size for Brady and had all the features we could want. Plus, he could float on his back or his tummy safely and securely. It allowed us to really enjoy his first Texas summer. We even packed it with us on our first family vacation to Florida! Burts Bees Sleep Sacks- Even though we technically started using these prior to six months, these are the sleep sacks we have been using (and continue to use) every nap and every night while Brady sleeps. The cotton is so soft and just the right weight for bedtime. Itzy Ritzy Pacifiers- Once Brady outgrew the standard newborn pacifiers, I transitioned to these Itzy Ritzy pacifiers and he has loved them. We typically only use a pacifier to help him fall asleep or when traveling, but we have been pleased with these. Plus, they come in so many color options and multi-packs for convenience! I also added this silicone teether clip for transporting. Fridababy Nose Frida- This was not a product I initially registered for and was adamant that I would never use, but once Brady started preschool and we encountered more colds and illnesses, I broke down. In desperation, I decided it was time to try the infamous Nose Frida. While I still shiver at the concept if I think about it for very long, this little sucker (lol, pun intended) has helped Brady breathe more easily whenever he's been sick or teething. V Tech Learning Walker- This was one of Brady's first birthday gifts, and as soon as he unwrapped it and we put it together, he took off with it! He was so happy to have this new tool, it was as if his little smile was saying, "This is what I have been trying to tell you guys about for months!" This toy enabled him to walk around and navigate his surroundings while building his confidence to learn to walk independently. Plus, the interactive and musical features on the front panel keep him occupied and happy when he's not on the move. Soon enough, I'll be sharing the third edition of products he has used and loved! As they say...don't blink.
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