We are so happy to announce that we are expecting! Last week, we announced that our little family will be growing by one late this fall. Now that I'm into my second trimester and feeling more like myself and much more motivated, I wanted to recap what those first moments were leading up to our present journey. Our decision to start a family: One of the first things my sweet husband and I talked about when we were first dating was whether or not we would want a family some day. Both of us had been in long term relationships before, and we knew we didn't want to "waste" any more time this time around if we did not want the same things in life. Some of the most important things we discussed on those first few dates were our faith and personal relationships with Jesus, similar interests, long term goals, and family and how we would want to raise children. We both agreed that we did want a family, just not right away. (I can't stress the importance enough of having these conversations up front with someone you could see yourself with long term. Dating is practice for marriage, and if you don't think you fit together from the get-go, save yourself the time and heartache!) When we got married at 21 and 22 years old, we knew we were still so young and wanted to wait a few years to simply be together, enjoy this time as newlyweds, and build a strong foundation for our marriage. We always said maybe in the 3-5 year range, we'd talk about starting a family. As year three rolled around, neither of us felt "ready" to start a family just yet. As year five rolled around, those feelings began to shift for me personally, but there were still a few things we wanted to do as a couple, like travel to Europe together and settle into our home. After we were able to experience our amazing European adventure together, I thought maybe now would be a good time time to start thinking about it and discussing it. As soon as we started to discuss it, we found our dream house and our renovation project began. We knew this project would be a huge undertaking and would inevitably push our timeline back even farther. You can imagine the funny comments we got from family members anxious to know when we would start our own family. Looking back now, I can so clearly see God's hand moving through these times and trust in His perfect timing. As year six began, we had just moved into our new home and were finally able to enjoy all of the fruits of our labor thus far, even though we still weren't quite finished. A few months later, we were finally on the same page and understood that now would be the time. How I found out: The day finally came that I decided to take a pregnancy test when I got home from work. I was a little over a week late, but didn't think too much of it because I don't have a "typical" cycle and had already been through this thought process once before a few months prior. When I got home, my husband was working from home and in the middle of a conference call, so I knew better than to disturb him and quietly retreated to our bathroom to take the test. The nerves began to sink in as I opened the package, took the test, and waited. A few minutes later, I picked up the test and was SHOCKED to see not one, but two pink lines. I re-read the instructions to make sure that even though one line was more faded than the other, it was still positive. I couldn't believe it! I was so shocked, scared, nervous, happy, and excited all at once that tears began to stream down my face. Then, I began to pray. I prayed for myself, my emotions, for this little miracle and blessing, and for peace in this new adventure. After a few more minutes of reveling in this moment, just me and God, I composed myself and realized I needed to tell my husband! Since it was positive, and he was still on his work call, I decided to look up a fun way to surprise him with the news. How I told my husband: I scanned a few articles about fun ways to tell your husband you're pregnant and came across one particular idea that stuck out to me specifically for him--using his favorite sports team. I immediately looked up Philadelphia Eagles onesies and found the perfect one, so I rush ordered it so that it would get here as quickly as possible, and so I wouldn't have to keep this secret to myself much longer. Those next two days felt like some of the hardest days to keep this from him, but I knew the surprise would be worth it. Especially when he asked me if that time of the month had arrived yet! As soon as it came in, I opened the package and marveled at how tiny the onesie was! I folded it really small, and wrote a special note to my husband telling him the news. When he wasn't looking, I placed the positive pregnancy test, onesie, and journal with my note inside on the table and waited for him to notice. A little while later, he walked into the dining room and saw the items sitting there while I watched from behind. He moved the journal aside, picked up the onesie, and the positive pregnancy test, then looked at me and said, "Are you serious?!" Smiling and laughing, I told him I was serious, and he began to smile and shout, "We did it!" I told him to read my note in the journal, then we embraced one another and soaked in the surprise of this special moment together. He was so surprised and couldn't believe it and neither could I! I am choosing to share the story of our journey because I want to document such a special time in our life. However, I know that sharing the joy in our story can be extremely difficult for some. If that is you, please allow me to remind and encourage you that God's plan and His timing are always perfect (Jeremiah 29:11, Proverbs 19:21, Romans 8:28.)
You are not alone, you are not forgotten, and He knows the desires of your heart. If it were up to me, I could not have dreamed of a better place for us to be in right now as we start this next chapter of our life--emotionally, physically, financially, geographically-- even in the midst of a global pandemic, yet here we are! (Psalm 40:5, Ephesians 3:20-21). We are so thankful and give God the glory for His sovereignty, His incredible blessings like this little miracle, and most importantly, for His unending love that we will show and pass on to our child. (Ephesians 3:14-19, Romans 8:38-39, 1 John 4:7-19). More to come about the first trimester soon! Love, Kimberly
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